Can’t we all just get along? : Racism and Black #Breastfeeding Week
Breastfeeding is a touchy subject. Despite efforts by lactivists to normalize it in the public eye, mothers everywhere must contend with numerous and varied barriers to nursing, and nowhere is this...
View ArticleConfessions of a Formula-Feeding Lactivist
Yes, you read the title right. Most people in my life know how much I’ve struggled with breastfeeding since having Charlie. I haven’t kept it much of a secret, and fortunately I’ve been surrounded by...
View ArticleLactation Frustration: Help a mama out, insurance companies!
Fair warning: I’ve got my rantin’ pants on. Many of you have probably read my post about my breastfeeding journey thus far, where I go into a fair amount of detail about how my breast reduction in 2005...
View Article#MommyConKC Recap: Jessica Martin-Weber of The Leaky Boob
If you’ve read my post about my breastfeeding journey, you’ve already heard me sing the praises of The Leaky Boob, an online support forum for breastfeeding moms. Throughout my struggles with...
View ArticleAn open letter to Sandy Malone
Hey, Sandy. A few days ago, you published an article to HuffPo Weddings. It had a lot less to do with weddings than it had to do with your personal feelings on public, uncovered breastfeeding. In said...
View ArticleStuff I love: Public breastfeeding gets the Papal thumbs-up
I’m not Catholic. Not even remotely. Actually, now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever even set foot in a Catholic church before. (Not that I’d be opposed to doing so. It just so happens...
View ArticleMovie Review: Breastmilk the Movie
Breastfeeding is hard. Anyone who tries to say otherwise is a dirty rotten liar, and you should probably punch them in the nose*. Most readers who have been around for awhile know all about my personal...
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